Membership & Plot Rental Information
Members can be “non-plot holders” or “plot holders” under the Tequesquite Community Garden (TCG) bylaws. Members will be able to vote in future elections of executive board members and be invited to meetings and scheduled workdays.
Annual dues for members are $10.00 which grants full membership from September1 of the current year to August 31of the following year.
Members who would also like to be a plot holder will need to fill out a separate application and pay an additional fee of $40 per plot and a deposit. Funds will be used to offset costs associated with the development and maintenance of the Tequesquite Community Garden. Please submit your contact information in the Inquiry Box below for a response.
Plot Application Procedures
Plots are assigned to TCG members on a first-come, first-served basis and the opportunity to garden in individual plots is open to all City of Riverside residents. If interested in a plot please complete the Inquiry Box below and the Plot Allocator will contact you.
Gardeners may obtain more than one plot if there is not a wait list at the time and if approved by the Plot Allocator. If a resident wait list develops, gardeners with more than one plot will be required to vacate one or more of their garden plots for residents desiring a garden at next renewal.
TCG plot sizes and plot payments, including non-plot holder dues, cleaning deposits and any special assessments are set annually by the Board. Plot fees and dues are not prorated regardless of the date of plot assignment/membership, except that plots assigned/memberships initiated on or after May 15th shall be prorated at 50% and are subject to the same renewal process as listed below. Plot fees and dues are non-refundable. Plots must be actively gardened all 4 seasons of the year and kept at least 50% planted. Plots must attain 50% plantation within 30 days of signing a plot agreement.
NOTE: Garden plots may not be transferred, given away, traded, or sublet.
All plot holders must notify the TCG Board, by mail or email, when giving up a membership.
Plots return to TCG for reassignment to the next person on the waiting list.

Wait List
When all available garden plots are assigned, prospective gardeners can add their name to the Wait List. Wait List gardeners will be contacted, in the order received, either by telephone, email, or mail, when a garden plot becomes available. Once contact has been initiated, gardeners will have two (2) weeks to confirm that they want to be assigned an individual garden plot and complete all required agreements and forms and pay all required fees. After two (2) weeks have expired, the next gardener on the waiting list will be contacted.

Plot Renewals
Current members are given first preference to renew their current plots and/or change to available plots on a first come/first served basis, followed by prospective gardeners on the appropriate Wait List.
A renewal notice will be sent out August 1 with a final deadline of September 1. Any member who has not paid dues and plot fees by September 1 will have forfeited membership and will result in the garden plot(s) being reassigned to another participant.